As with most workplaces, it can sometimes be a struggle for employees to find the right balance between the demands of their job and everything else going on in their daily lives. Our commitment to quality designs and industry-leading client service can be taxing on our teams, but our founding principles have always remained quality, teamwork, integrity and balance. Work hard, play hard. At Primera, we know that balance is a fundamental component to a healthy organization. In addition to promoting a balance outside the office, we like to provide employees with opportunities to let loose in the office and have a little fun. Primera’s Chicago and Lisle offices each have a dedicated team of employees known as our Super Fun Committees. They focus on planning and coordinating regular internal and external social events that give our staff opportunies to engage, unwind and recharge.
In 2016, we hosted a variety of events that help make working here a little more enjoyable and exciting. Some were simple and some were a bit more involved, but all of them were Fun. Our Super Fun Committees offered employees root beer floats as an afternoon break, board game days in our lunch rooms or lounges, a very-competitive chili cook-off, Pi day activities, indoor soccer, highly-entertaining and competitive office Olympics with daily events using office supplies, as well as a cross-town classic potluck lunch, a tailgating-style happy hour, Halloween costume contests, and Christmas cube decorating contests.
Planning and offering fun opportunities to step away from our desks is a fundamental piece of the Fun pie, but we believe in empowering our employees to maintain their own balance. With that in mind, here’s a list of Primera’s Super Fun Committee’s Top 5 Tips for achieving a better Work-Life Balance in the office:
- Participate! If your company makes the effort to plan employee engagement events or company outings, make sure you’re participating. Not only will it help you build better relationships with your co-workers, but it can help you relieve stress and take your mind off of work for a few minutes. Just remember to leave work at work and focus on the fun part (this means no checking your email on your phone!).
- Be a planner: If you work for an employer that doesn’t have a structured employee engagement program, volunteer to start one, even if it’s informal! People are more willing to join in and lend a helping hand once something is already set up.
- Take breaks: Get up every 2-3 hours to stretch and take a walk. Go grab a snack or visit with co-workers. Employees at Primera have been known to play a quick game of ping pong or work on puzzles in the employee lounge throughout the day. You’ll be surprised to see how these short mental breaks can help you feel more refreshed and focused, and make the day go quicker too.
- Stay Positive and Enthusiastic: The reality is most people don’t love working, but because most of us have to work, the key is to make the most of it. Regardless of the project or deadline, there’s always a light at the end of any tunnel. Don’t waste time focusing on the negative and remember to find the positive in whatever it is you’re doing. It will have a nice impact on you and your company’s culture.
- Take a vacation! Employers offer paid-time off to give people a chance to relax. Take advantage of it and don’t let that time go to waste. Even if you can’t take a full week or two off all at once, sprinkle a day or two here and there to recharge those batteries. In the long run, it will make you a more productive, well-rounded, and happy person!
Now go out and have some fun!