Primera is pleased to announce that we were recognized at the Exelon Utilities Supplier Summit, winning this year’s Community Engagement Award. The Supplier Diversity Awards recognize high-quality suppliers for their performance in various areas ranging from operational excellence to disciplined financial management. The awards acknowledge minority, veteran and women-owned suppliers for their increasingly important role in the company’s efforts to modernize its energy delivery system, which provides safe and reliable electricity. The Community Engagement Award recognizes suppliers who excel at volunteerism, and at enhancing the community via partnerships and engagement. Primera was recognized for our commitment to social responsibility and for making a profound impact in the communities in which we work and play.
Primera has been involved in our communities since the firm was founded in 1987. For example, one of our first contracts was with The Chicago Public Schools. In the early 90s we designed Madero Middle School in Little Village and since then we have had a mentor program where 7th and 8th grade students visit our office four times per year. The day is spent learning about what engineers do and the students even participate in hands-on experiences with wind technologies.
We are deeply committed to fostering community. In fact, we have an Employee Give Back Committee that works hard year-round specifically to organize events and opportunities for each of us to do our part. We also support local businesses through mentor-protégé agreements, along with a long list of local organizations. We are extremely passionate about supporting local students and STEM careers. We hire from programs like ComEd’s CONSTRUCT, the College of DuPage and City Colleges of Chicago and our staff mentors students in STEM through ACE, Madero Middle School, COD and Girls4Science. “Since the day the firm opened its doors, we have been dedicated to making a difference in our communities and are constantly seeking opportunities to support those who need it most,” says Erin Inman, President & CEO.
Exelon is America’s leading competitive energy provider, with one of the cleanest and lowest-cost power generation fleets. Its utilities serve millions of electric and gas customers across 48 states. Exelon delivers economic benefits to the communities it serves having spent more than $4 billion with diverse suppliers over the past seven years.