National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day is an unofficial holiday that takes place annually every fourth Thursday in April and is dedicated to showing children a glimpse of what a parent does during the workday. This year, Primera celebrated once again after a 3-year break due to COVID, and brought in 18 children ranging in ages from 2 to 17, so they could learn more about engineering and other future potential careers.
The children began their day at our Chicago headquarters hearing from some of our experts in our different divisions who went over the basics of the AEC industry and the different roles found within our firm. They then participated in several learning STEM-focused activities including building gumdrop structures, tie-dying shirts, and getting to know some of our engineers via a scavenger hunt. To end the day, our Fun Committee organized an ice cream social with everyone in the office and had a fun photo booth available for the kids to enjoy.
Primera is continuously dedicated to making a better and bigger impact within our communities. By hosting children for Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, we shared not only our love for STEM and other fields, but our fun-filled workplace culture. We were thrilled to share our mission and our values with the younger generation in the hopes to one day see some of them walking through our halls!