Primera Engineers is pleased to announce that one of our own was showcased on the cover of Plumbing and Hyrdronic Contractor (PHC) News and featured in Plumbing Engineer magazine’s May issues. The article discusses the importance of legionella control and how to prevent the disease Legionella Pneumophila. “In order to design innovative solutions and reduce this deadly disease’s incidence rate, it’s essential for plumbing engineers to understand the bacteria, how it operates, and most importantly, how to prevent its survival in a building’s water system,” explains author and Primera Plumbing Engineer, Scott Baron. Scott provides a detailed look at the causes of the bacteria and a variety of prevention techniques and mechanisms in his article “Deep Diving into Legionella Prevention.” Read the article here.
PHC News is the plumbing and hydronic contractor’s definitive source for product information and applications, with a focus on improving job performance and business operations. It is considered the leading voice of plumbing, mechanical and hydronic heating contractors throughout North America. For more information, visit phcnews.com.
Plumbing Engineer is the official publication of the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE). Published monthly, Plumbing Engineer features technical articles by engineers, written for engineers, covering the gamut of plumbing engineering activities. For more information, visit plumbingengineer.com.