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HVAC Solutions for Commercial Buildings
HVAC Solutions for Commercial Buildings

Commercial buildings consume the bulk of their energy from the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. When determining the most suitable energy-efficient HVAC system for your project, factors such as local climate, building size, occupancy, user behavior, indoor floor plan, and budget are critical evaluation points. Life cycle cost of an HVAC system varies significantly based on factors such as location, energy prices, building usage, and maintenance practices. There is much to consider.

Ultimately, each HVAC option has its advantages and disadvantages. There are several systems known specifically for their energy efficiency, Click here to learn more about the most common commercial system choices and how they can be a benefit to your next project.

HVAC Solutions for Commercial Buildings

Considering commercial building HVAC options and aligning the most suitable with project needs and budget can be quite a challenging task. Expanding your knowledge of the various systems will allow you to make the best decision for your project. Author Rina Vidri (pictured above), has nearly three decades of experience in the industry and can help guide your next HVAC project with her insight and valuable expertise.