This past weekend, Primera participated in the 15th annual Plane Pull at O’Hare International Airport. The Plane Pull is a fundraising event hosted by Special Olympics Illinois where teams compete in the ultimate tug-of-war competition. This year’s team set a Primera record by pulling a 90-ton aircraft across a 12-foot distance in just 7.6 seconds! Great work team!
“This is a great opportunity for us to see and support O’Hare’s infrastructure, all while sponsoring an amazing cause,” says Primera’s Aviation Project Manager, John Antonoglu.
This year, the Plane Pull was able to raise over $240,000 for the athletes of Special Olympics Illinois! The event consisted of over 100 teams who competed in the challenge and enjoyed the food, entertainment, raffles and souvenirs. The Primera team had a blast and is always proud to support local non-profits.
Additional information about the event can be found here.