Primera is excited to announce our recent expansion to the State of Alabama. Primera is partnering with public utility Huntsville Utilities (HU) on a distribution engineering project to develop vault specifications and standards. The project includes reviewing HU’s design standards, creating standard drawings for above and below grade transformer vault installations, and ultimately developing a Customer Design Guide for HU developers. Primera will also provide design support during construction.
As a public utility, HU’s number one client is the people they serve. They are the 17th largest publicly-owned utility service in the nation, HU provides service to over 200,000 electric, 100,000 water, and 56,000 natural gas customers in Huntsville and Madison County, Alabama. They also operate a citywide fiberoptic infrastructure to provide high-speed telecommunications services in their community.
“Primera’s distribution team is eager to assist the City of Huntsville with their full-service utility needs,” says Project Delivery Department Manager, Elizabeth Odegaard. “Our experts are fully equipped to provide their technical knowledge, oversight, resourcing, and leadership to help HU continue to deliver excellent customer experiences via their power system,” she continues.
To learn more about HU, click here.