Primera would like to congratulate the Illinois Power Agency and program administrator Elevate Energy on winning a 2023 Sunny Award for Equitable Community Solar for the Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) program. The Sunny Award recognizes community-focused solar projects, and state, municipal, Tribal, and utility-led solar programs that employ best practices in delivering benefits to its participants and local communities.
ILSFA brings access to solar-powered energy to the state’s income-eligible residents. Since its inception the program has delivered solar energy to over 1,200 low- to moderate- income households and other facilities. As a new subconsultant to Elevate Energy, Primera provides technical application review and program management services helping Elevate to continue their success as administrator of this state-wide program.
“More and more people are switching to solar because of the cost saving benefits it provides,” says Trevor Leeds, Consulting Division Manager. “The Illinois Solar for All program not only makes it easier for income-eligible participants to leverage incentives, but it also promotes clean, renewable energy across our communities.”
The 2023 Sunny Awards, which launched in April 2023, is administered through the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Community Solar Partnership. The winners of the Sunny Awards each receive a $10,000 Grand Prize for their programs. You can read more about the awards program here.