Our Work
Outpatient Pavilion and Parking Garages

Advocate Christ Medical Center is a recognized leader in the medical community and one of the major referral hospitals in the Midwest for advanced and highly specialized medical care. The main facility is a 690-bed hospital with nearly 1,000 physicians and over 5,800 associates. Advocate Christ Medical Center is a premier teaching institution that specializes in neurosciences, oncology, pediatrics, and women’s health.

The Outpatient Pavilion expansion consisted of the addition of fourteen operating suites for outpatient procedures, endoscopy laboratories, and an advanced diagnostic imaging area. The adjacent parking structure was connected to the Ambulatory Pavilion by a pedestrian bridge. The two parking structures added over 1,200 parking spaces to the campus.

Treatment-related functions could not be interrupted at any time during construction; therefore, project phasing was critical to the success of this project. Primera’s scope involved civil engineering design and construction administration services including site demolition plans, site geometric design, utility service connections and permitting, site grading and drainage, and stormwater management and permitting.  Since space was at a premium for this project, all stormwater detention storage was provided underground and special design considerations were given to obtain LEED accreditation.