Our Work
Wheaton Downtown Streetscape

The City of Wheaton’s Downtown Streetscape project is a multi-year, multi-phase design and construction effort to upgrade the outdated streetscape of Wheaton’s downtown area to a more welcoming and modern look that the City’s residents can enjoy. The design and construction of the streetscape project was the sequel to a preliminary study to evaluate the downtown business owners and residents’ priorities for a revamped area. In this study, business owners stressed their desire to increase sidewalk width, tree canopy, and parking. Primera Engineers was brought onboard as the primary engineering designer and project construction manager.

The scope of work for this project involved removal and replacement of pavement, sidewalk improvements and streetlight improvements. Primera provided designs for new pavement, streetlights and streetscape elements for the corridor. Current ADA standards were also applied to all designs for sidewalk and crosswalk replacements. Throughout the design and construction, the team from Primera worked alongside the City of Wheaton to ensure that all their goals were met for the project.