Our Work
Tinley Park Helistop Aircraft Pavement Improvements

The Rebuild Illinois Airport Capital Improvement Program (ACIP) provides grants for the planning, construction, reconstruction, extension, development, and improvement of public-use airports within the Illinois Aviation System Plan. The ACIP is funding $1.44 million of the estimated $2.1 million rehabilitation and upgrade of the Tinley Park Helistop (TF8) and adjacent helicopter parking area. The 100-foot-by-100-foot helistop is the only helistop within a 12-mile radius of its location and offers public and private services to approximately three to 10 helicopters per month.

Primera is leading the design and construction of the project, which includes the reconstruction of the existing asphalt helistop and parking area with new Portland cement concrete pavements. New additions also include in-pavement and area lighting, a 3,000-gallon Jet A fueling system, new security fencing and gates, a beacon, a wind cone, and specialized pavement markings. Primera’s services include project design, project management, client and agency coordination, site grading, pavement design, lighting design, NAVAIDS, fueling system design, fencing and gate design, bidding services, and construction inspection.

Primera is combining traditional heliport design elements with the new FAA Vertiport design criteria to prepare the facility for planned eVTOL (electric helicopter) operations. All planning, design and construction processes followed the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Airport Letting Process implemented through its Division of Aeronautics, which requires an IDOT-prequalified aviation firm or team. Primera is prequalified by IDOT in 25+ categories, including Airports – Master Planning/Airport Layout Plans, Construction Inspection, and Design.