Kendahle Artis leads Primera’s human resources department with a focus on continual improvement. “We have some of the best talent in the industry,” she explains. “In order to continue recruiting the best of the best, we need to be the best. From benefit options to hiring practices, my team is constantly looking for ways to improve.” Primera’s HR efforts are helping to transform our culture. Kendahle’s expertise is the result of more than a decade of experience in human resource management. Her specialties include payroll, employee relations, benefits administration, talent management, training, performance management, and wellness programs.
Kendahle studied business administration and human resources at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville before accepting an entry-level HR role at a national IT business consulting firm. She quickly progressed in her position and continued to take on more responsibility. By the time she decided to move on, she was managing the firm’s performance management and payroll systems and benefits administration. She joined Primera in 2012 and has been leading our HR team with compassion and an eye for talent since.
When she’s not improving upon Primera’s HR practices, she’s busy traveling the world. “From Barbados to Dubai or Thailand, I love seeing diversity through different geographic lenses and experiencing different cultures, people and perspectives first-hand,” she proclaims. “It’s part of the reason I love Primera. Our diverse and inclusive environment exposes all of us to an eclectic mix of backgrounds and cultures.”